Monday, March 22, 2010

Multiple Selection Of Checkboxes Using Basic Javascript

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Install Drupal with XAMPP in Ubuntu

Hi New Buddies/Developer,

I'm assuming that you already install xampp in ubuntu machine,if not please install xampp in ubuntu machine by following link

Requirments to Install Drupal
1) Please download latest drupal tar from

Note I am considering drupal-6.12.tar.gz here,so you can change to latest version.

Install Drupal

Let’s install Drupal by extracting its content to “opt/lampp/htdocs”:

1. Locate the file drupal-6.12.tar.gz.
2. If it’s not on your Desktop, move the file there.
3. Open the Terminal, enter the following command:

sudo tar xvfz Desktop/drupal-6.12.tar.gz -C /opt/lampp/htdocs

1. Let’s rename “drupal-6.12″ folder to a cleaner name, “drupal”.
2. Enter the following command:

sudo mv /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal-6.12 /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal

Test Drupal

Okay, we can now verify whether Drupal has installed correctly:

1. Open your web broswer.
2. Enter the following address:


You should see this page:

Drupal Setup
Create a Database

In this section, we create a new database for Drupal to store data:

1. Open your web browser.
2. Enter the following address:


1. In the Create new database text box, type in a name for your database (I named mine “creativebushido”.)
2. Click the Create button.

Configure Drupal

Having completed the installation of XAMPP, Drupal, and a brand spanking new database, we can finally go ahead and configure Drupal:

1. Open your web browser.
2. Enter the following address:


1. Click the Install Drupal in English link.
2. You will be likely to ecounter the following page:

Don’t fret! First, we make a copy of default.settings.php and rename it to settings.php.

1. Open the Terminal, enter the following command:

sudo cp /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal/sites/default/default.settings.php /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal/sites/default/settings.php

Next, we need to grant permissions to the settings.php file so that it’s writeable:

1. Enter the following command (press Enter after each line):

cd /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal/sites

sudo chmod a+w default

sudo chmod a+w default/settings.php

That should have solved all the problems! Okay, now you should be able to see the Database configuration page in your browser:

Notice that I have entered a name for my database, the same name I’d used earlier. Make sure you do the same.

Once you clicked the Save and continue button on the Set up database page, you will be directed to the Configure site page, like the picture below:

For security purposes, it tells you to remove write permissions to the settings.php file. Let’s do that:

1. Open the Terminal, enter the following command:

sudo chmod a-w /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal/sites/default/settings.php

Finally! You are now ready to enter some important informations for your new web site.

Fill out the the required information for the Site information and Administration account sections. Make sure you remember the username and password you’ve entered!

Once all the informations are filled out, click the Save and continue button.

Voila! Give yourself a pat on the back! You have just completed installing Drupal on your computer!

I hope this has been useful. If you have any technical issues, Please feel free to post your error to me.

I'm glad to blogs for to post this blog :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Deprecate function Problem for Drupal/Joomla in PHP 5.3.x

Hi Developers,
I googled or searched a lot of forums and website to resolve the issue Deprecate Function error when installing Drupal CMS in PHP 5.3.x version but finally a got a forum i.e Click it

Solution Type 1:
Deprecate warning while installing Drupal framework in php 5.3 version.
If you prefer to keep PHP 5.3, you can always suppress the errors. In Drupal's includes/, find line 620(nearly).

It should be listed as:
if ($errno & (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED)) {
Replace this line with:
if ($errno & (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED)) {

After doing above change in include/ drupal folder,check the installing drupal, if you get again error then you need to Change in php.ini file also

It should be listed as:
error_reporting=E_ALL | E_STRICT | E_DEPRICATED
Replace this line with:
error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_DEPRICATED & ~E_STRICT

After finishing above change in php.ini,Please Restart your Webserver and Check the installation of drupal.

Note that every time you update Drupal you'll have to manually make this change until they finally patch them to deal properly with php 5.3

Solution Type 2:

Note :If you Still get Deprecate Error after changing all above setting, while Installing Drupal in PHP 5.3.x.
I got solution by My Colleague(Innocent )
Remove all above changes and modify following Line no 902 in includes/ in drupal it resolve the deprecate error.

It should be listed as:
elseif ($depth >= $min_depth && ereg($mask, $file)) {
Replace this line with:
elseif ($depth >= $min_depth && @ereg($mask, $file)) {

Friday, March 5, 2010

Basic Ubuntu OS Command for Working PHP application

Start Up:
When i started working on the ubuntu machine(i.e march 2nd 2010) i am little scared & tensed..but now it seems cool & great... :)

Now i am not providing all command which ubuntu support.

New Buddies like me want to work on ubuntu machine similary to windows machine.
My Problems on Ubuntu & Solution:

Note :When you logged into ubuntu machine your not root user to the machine so you use SUDO command to perform operations(read/write/create/execute).

1)Unable to find terminal?
Ans: Click on Application->system tools->terminal
2)Unable to minimize all windows opened using keyboard?
Ans: Press ctrl+alt+d keys
3)Navigation of windows using keyboard?
Ans: Press alt+Tab keys
4)Unable to create (php,html,js)files etc using vi command in terminal?
Ans: Use Text Editor for create/write/read files and to enable highlighting code in the Text Editor,first open Text Editor and click on the edit menu ->perferences->enable php code
5)Configuration xampp server??
XAMPP for Linux Download –

By now, you should have already downloaded the following file:

1. xampp-linux-1.7.1.tar.gz

Note: Unless you know what you’re doing, it’s recommended that you’re using the same files to avoid any confusion. If, for example, when newer versions are released, simply type in the correct file name when installing in the “Install XAMPP”.

Now, this tutorial is done on a Linux system (Ubuntu), not Windows. Remember earlier when I told you the tools I’d use are all free? Well, Ubuntu is an excellent alternative operating system to Windows! Give it a try, you may like it!
Install XAMPP

We install XAMPP by extracting its content to a folder named “opt”:

1. Locate the file xampp-linux-1.7.1.tar.gz you’ve just downloaded.
2. If it’s not on your Desktop, move the file there use cd ~ command Press enter.
3. Open the Terminal, enter the following command:

sudo tar xvfz Desktop/xampp-linux-1.7.1.tar.gz -C /opt

You installed XAMPP in the previous section, now it’s time to start it:

1. Open the Terminal, enter the following command:

sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

You should see the following lines in the terminal if everything is done correctly:

XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)…
XAMPP: Starting MySQL…
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD…
XAMPP for Linux started.


Okay, so how do you know if XAMPP is currently active?

1. Open your favourite web broswer.
2. Enter the following address:

It will open XAMPP Start Up Page.
6)Mail Configuration in Ubuntu?
Ans:Install sendmail server in ubuntu machine
7)Execution php files in the XAMPP?
Ans:Use following commands:
[username@localhost ~]$cd / press enter
[username@localhost ~]$cd /opt/lampp/htdocs/ press enter
[username@localhost ~]$sudo mkdir examples press enter
[username@localhost ~]$sudo chmod 777 examples press enter
Now Go to filesystem (root/opt/lampp/htdocs/examples) and create php file(i.e test.php) in the folder.
Next Step:
browser the link http://localhost/examples/test.php